What is the SAT Academic Aptitude Test ?


One of the most popular college entrance exams, the SAT is a paper-based test that consists of multiple-choice questions. It is also intended to measure the abilities of students graduating from high schools and their readiness to join universities and various specializations. It also provides universities with the necessary data about the skills available in each student who takes the mentioned tests and the specialization that may be suitable for him, and thus compare the results of all students, determine their specializations, and accept or reject their applications. The SAT is released seven times a year in the following months: March, May, June, August, October, November, and finally in December.

The College Board is an American non-profit organization that offers various entrance exams, tools, and services related to the field of college planning to students and universities alike. These exams include (SAT) test and test materials, (PSAT/NMSQT test), advanced placement program, and (Springboard) programs. The SAT test measures your skills in certain areas such as English language, mathematics and some scientific information. There are two types of SAT test:

  • SAT test specialized in a specific scientific field (physics, chemistry…), which is required by some universities
  • General SAT test, which is required by most universities around the world.


Here, we will discuss the general SAT test, which is required by the majority of American and international universities as well, in addition to the ACT test, which has recently appeared to compete with the SAT test as we mentioned in previous articles. As for the details of the SAT test, its duration is up to three (3) hours, and the format of all questions is multiple-choice, with an average of 200-800 questions. As for the test sections, they are four sections, but the last section is optional and may be required by some universities. Therefore, you must take the test according to the requirements of the university in which you want to study:

  • reading
  • Writing and language
  • Maths
  • Optional Essay

SAT test details :

  • The duration of the SAT test is 3 hours + 50 minutes for the elective section
  • It consists of 154 multiple-choice questions
  • The cost of the test is $5, with the elective section $64.5 plus some fees for late or repeat students.
  • Each section of the test is calculated from 200-800
  • The result of passing the test starts from 1400-1600 points
  • The highest score for the test is 1600 points, which is considered very good, while the lowest level, which is considered weak, is from 400-800 .